The ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna ~Hebrews 9:4.

About Us

Ark for Victuals and Mentoring Foundation (“Ark for Victuals”) is a Christian based ministry. We are passionate about providing food for the hungry, clothes for the needy, and shelter for the homeless, while not forgetting their need for the spiritual food of God’s word.

We are especially passionate about helping the widows, orphans, homeless, elderly, single parents, battered women, immigrants, and anyone in need. We seek not only to help them on a short-term basis but also on a long-term basis with the goal of entrepreneurship, employment, and home ownership through mentoring and training.


Our vision is to ensure that everyone has access to food, clothing, and shelter in meeting their basic needs and access to education that will promote financial stability while enhancing their spiritual growth.


Our mission is to raise money to donate to various organizations that support our cause, provide food, clothing, and shelter to those in need, pass out literature that introduce them to the gospel, assist with housing, including home ownership, ensure access to education, provide entrepreneurial training and group mentoring for start-up businesses for single mothers and battered women, and assist with micro loans for small businesses.


JANET BROWN, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, has submitted to the stewardship of Ark for Victuals. Janet has been a Christian for 40 years as of 2021 and has been growing deeper and deeper in the things of God. Janet is a gifted Evangelist who loves sharing the word of God with family and strangers.

Janet has a passion for cooking and feeding people and giving to those in need. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Janet has been walking out God’s vision of feeding people for over 20 years, but the vision was legally solidified in 2020 when Ark for Victuals was incorporated. Janet is also certified as a life coach and plans to offer her services through group mentoring.

The Birthing

The vision for Ark for Victuals was birthed several years ago when the Lord spoke to Janet and told her to make cakes, package them with juices, and pass them out to the homeless people on the streets. Janet was obedient to the Lord’s instruction and used the grocery money she had for her children at the time to buy the ingredients, while trusting that God would provide for her and her children, which he did.

After making the cakes and packaging them with juice, Janet and a brother from her church set out to do evangelism that day by not only feeding the people physical food but also feeding them the spiritual food of God’s word. After arriving in the homeless area that the Holy Spirit had led them to go, a crowd of people surprisingly began running towards her van. Janet had no idea that these people were running directly to her because she had never passed out food in this particular area before. As soon as she parked her van, the crowd got thicker and that is when Janet realized they were hungry people waiting to be fed. Despite Janet never servicing that particular street before and the people not being familiar with her van, the people intuitively knew that she had food to pass out. This divine moment confirmed in Janet’s spirit that the Lord was officially calling her to feed the hungry.

After Janet started passing out the packages of cakes and juice, Janet realized the crowd was much larger than her supply. Although each package contained three cakes and three juices, she was forced to open each package to give each person one cake and one juice, just to ensure that everyone got something to eat. Her compassion for the hungry and homeless grew tremendously that day and continues to grow each day.

According to Janet, she may not have much, but she gives sincerely from her heart and from the resources that the Lord blesses her with.

Matthew 25:35; For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.  

Matthew 25:40; And the King will answer and say to them, assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.

Prayer: Lord help us to be kind and gentle to each other. Help us not to despise the giving of food, shelter, and clothing, to those who are in need. Help us to see the needy through your eyes, to have compassion on them, and do what we can to help them. Help us to remember that whatever we do for those in need, we are doing it for you. Bless those who are hungry, naked, or homeless and supply their every need. In Jesus Holy and Mighty name, we pray! Amen!